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Having satisfied the Commissioner for Voluntary Organizations that it qualifies in terms of Article 3 of the Voluntary Organizations Act (Chapter 492 of the Laws of Malta), has been enrolled as a Voluntary Organisation and its name been entered in the Register of Voluntary Organizations with the identification number VO/1929. The Organization is henceforth eligible for the privileges granted to voluntary organizations in term of Article 4 of the said Act. In terms of Article 4 (7) of Act, all persons to whom this certificate is provided are requested to provide the Organization with full recognition of its status as a voluntary organisation compliant with all provisions of the applicable law.

Officially Registered: Chi siamo

The Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations was set up by the Voluntary Organisations Act 2007 with the task to strengthen the voluntary sector through various initiatives with the specific aim of promoting the work of VOs as well as encouraging their role as partners with the government in various initiatives. Cap. 23 of 2007 Voluntary Organisations Act came into force in November 2007 with the appointment of the first Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations (CVO) Prof. Kenneth Wain. The ultimate mission of the Commissioner's office is to give more visibility to the voluntary sector as well as to guarantee transparency and accountability of the organisations that compose it in the carrying out of their important work. In view of this, the Office of the Commissioner is also the regulatory authority responsible for this sector with the aim of monitoring and supervising the activities of these organisations as well as supporting them. Both the Malta Federation of Organisations Persons with Disabilities and the Malta Association of Supported Employment are registered with the Commissioner’s office, with the former holding registration number VO/0042 whilst the latter holds registration number VO/1159.

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Officially Registered: Testo

In view of the National Situation of the Corona Virus Pandemic MCVS is keeping Voluntary organisations informed with updates issued by the Public Health Department. Earlier in June MCVS published a special edition of its newsletter ‘Stay Connected’ to give the latest information relevant to the VO Sector as well as other general information. The aim is to support the development of a more effective and efficient voluntary and community sector in Malta and Gozo through the delivery of a range of support and capacity building services including information, advice and training. The council also aims to support the development of a more influential and cohesive voluntary and community sector in Malta and Gozo by facilitating networking and partnership within the sector, and between the same sector and the private and public sectors.

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Officially Registered: Testo

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